Can’t Connect to a Session

Table of Contents

If you are having trouble loading or accessing the platform, then the steps below may help resolve this. This information is relevant to therapists and clients.

  • Confirm that you have an active internet connection – try opening another website to ensure you do have internet access
  • Reload the Bilateral Base session in your browser
  • Connected to Corporate Network? – If you are trying to access the platform from within an organisation’s network then there may be network rules blocking access. Send our network configuration settings to your network administrator who will be able to grant access.
  • Browser Extensions? – Some web browser plugins (e.g. adblockers and antivirus) can prevent access to the platform. Try loading the platform using a private/incognito browsing window (see external article for how to do this). If this succeeds, then you know it was one of your extensions. Then try disabling each extension in turn to find the one that is causing the issue. You can then remove the extension or add an exception to that extension so that it allows access to Bilateral Base.
  • Antivirus Installed? – If you have an antivirus program installed on your device, temporarily disable it to see if this resolves the issue. If it does then you need to add Bilateral Base as an exception in your antivirus software so that it allows access.


Update 4th June 2024 #

We have recently updated the servers which are used to run the platform to allow for more simultaneous sessions. For the vast majority of users this will have no impact. For users who are accessing the internet from within an organisation’s network, in a small number of cases, some additional network rules will need to be added to ensure continued access.

We have already contacted any users who we have identified will need to do this.

There may be a very small number of clients who will find that they can’t connect after we move to our new servers due to the organisation’s network rules. If you see the message below when trying to connect to a session when you have previously been able to access without issue and you are accessing the internet from within a corporate network, then send the following link to your network administrator who will be able to grant access. This should be a simple and quick task for them to implement.

Example of connection error message you might see if your network is blocking access to our video conference servers.



If you can’t resolve the issue, Contact us and we’ll help you work out what is stopping you from accessing Bilateral Base.